Subway Menu Prices


The Subway Series is not just an iconic baseball rivalry between the New York Yankees and the New York Mets; it has also inspired a culinary phenomenon that captures the essence of the city’s diverse food culture. The Subway Series Menu is a delightful journey through the flavors of New York, offering a grand slam of culinary experiences for food enthusiasts and sports fans alike.

  1. The Classic Dog: A Home Run for Hot Dog Aficionados

No New York experience is complete without indulging in a classic hot dog, and the new subway sandwiches menu pays homage to this quintessential street food. Whether you’re at Yankee Stadium or Citi Field, you can savor the smoky goodness of a perfectly grilled hot dog, topped with your choice of sauerkraut, onions, relish, and the iconic New York-style mustard. It’s a home run for hot dog aficionados, bringing a taste of tradition to the ballgame.

  1. Pizza Pizzazz: Bringing the Slice Showdown to Your Plate

New York City is synonymous with pizza, and the Subway Series Menu doesn’t disappoint. The pizza offerings are a playful nod to the ongoing slice showdown between Manhattan and Queens. Expect thin crusts, gooey cheese, and a variety of toppings that reflect the diversity of neighborhoods across the city. Whether you’re Team Manhattan Margherita or Team Queens BBQ Chicken, each slice is a winning combination that adds a flavorful twist to the classic pizza rivalry.

  1. Bagels Beyond the Bases: Breakfast of Champions

The Subway Series Menu doesn’t limit itself to game-time snacks; it also celebrates the city’s breakfast culture with a lineup of mouthwatering bagels. From the dense, chewy goodness of a classic plain bagel to innovative creations like everything bagel sandwiches with lox and cream cheese, these breakfast delights are a hit with fans looking for a hearty start to their day. It’s a breakfast of champions that fuels both players and spectators for the exciting matches ahead.

  1. Craft Beer Extravaganza: A Toast to New York Brews

No sporting event is complete without a refreshing beverage, and the Subway Series Menu raises the bar with a craft beer extravaganza. Featuring local breweries from both boroughs, fans can enjoy a wide selection of beers that showcase the rich brewing culture of New York. From hoppy ales to smooth lagers, each sip is a celebration of the city’s vibrant craft beer scene, making the Subway Series experience even more memorable.

  1. Sweet Victories: Desserts to Celebrate Wins and Console Losses

Win or lose, the Subway Series Menu ensures a sweet ending to every game. Indulge in a variety of desserts that capture the essence of New York’s thriving dessert scene. From classic New York cheesecake to inventive ballpark-inspired treats, these desserts are a celebration of sweet victories and a comforting consolation for losses. It’s a delightful way to end the day, leaving fans with a sweet taste of New York in their mouths.


The Subway Series Menu is a culinary grand slam that transforms the baseball rivalry into a feast for the senses. From classic hot dogs to inventive pizzas, hearty breakfast bagels to local craft beers, and sweet desserts, each dish reflects the vibrant and diverse flavors of New York City. Whether you’re a die-hard sports fan or a food enthusiast, the Subway Series Menu offers a winning combination that ensures every visit to the ballpark is a home run. So, grab your favorite jersey, head to the stadium, and embark on a delicious journey through the Subway Series Menu – a culinary celebration of New York’s love for both sports and food.